Event Details
The annual RCDCU Bike-A-Thon “Bike to Fight Prostate Cancer” is on Saturday September 21, 2024. From 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The start and finish location is at the Franklin Township Community Center, 505 DeMott Lane, Somerset, NJ.
The annual RCDCU Bike-A-Thon “Bike to Fight Prostate Cancer” is on Saturday September 21, 2024. From 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The start and finish location is at the Franklin Township Community Center, 505 DeMott Lane, Somerset, NJ.
The purpose for the RCDCU Bike-A-Thon is to raise money to help fight prostate cancer focusing on early detection, screening, nutrition and education.
Funds raised will be used to provide free screening, nutrition and education.
3-Mile walk/Ride
This 3-mile course is laid out along a paved path leaving from the community center walking along DeMott Lane to the Quail Brook Park on New Brunswick Road and return back to the community center.
10-Mile Ride—The Robert “Cozy” Merrits Memorial Ride
This ride is in memory of our beloved board member Robert “Cozy” Merrits. This ride takes you through the streets of Franklin neighborhoods out into open space.
A Rest Station is setup at the Community Baptist Church, 211 DeMott Lane.
30-Mile Ride
The 30-mile ride takes you through neighborhoods, Colonial Park, and landmarks riding along parts of the Delaware Raritan Canal through open land space. A Rest Station is setup in Colonial Park parking lot D area and at the Griggstown Fire Station #35 1037 Canal Road, Princeton.
50-Mile Ride
This ride is for the seasoned rider. The route follows the beginning of the 30-mile route continuing along the Delaware Raritan Canal through parts of Rocky Hill into Kingston. Rest Stops are located in Colonial Park- parking Lot D area and at the Griggstown Fire Station #35 1037 Canal Road.
Yes! all riders are required to wear a helmet.
50 Miles……………………………. $45.00 per rider
30 Miles……………………………..$45.00 per person
10 Miles……………………………..$35.00 per person
3-mile/walk………………………….$15.00 per person
All in-person registration includes, breakfast, a delicious Lunch, and a T-shirt.
Virtual Riders receive will receive a T-shirt.
Registration for ALL categories must be received by August 15, 2024 to be guaranteed this year’s signature T-shirt in your size.